February Sale — Up to 55% off


Our advanced boiling water taps boast some of the best accessories and filters on the market. Long-lasting, compact and durable, they are built to last – even in the busiest homes. The filters we provide with our boiling taps can effectively remove carbon and other impurities from your water supply, ensuring your family receive crystal-clear, pure drinking water every time they use the kitchen tap. We recommend you replace your Hanstrom filter every six months to ensure it is working at maximum efficiency.

Shop boiling tap filters, accessories and more below.

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February Sale

3 x K5 Replacement Carbon Pure Water Filter for Instant Boiling Water Taps

Original price was: £150.00.Current price is: £99.99.
February Sale

3 x Replacement Carbon Pure Water Filter for 3 in 1 Instant Boiling Water Taps

Original price was: £150.00.Current price is: £99.99.

K5 Replacement Filter

February Sale

Longer Threaded Collar – 100mm Extended

Original price was: £30.00.Current price is: £20.00.

Q5-CTO Replacement Filter for 5-in-1 Taps


Q5-CTO Replacement Filter for 5-in-1 Taps x3


WF003 Replacement Filter
